Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tiny Tim Sneaks a Peak

If you can peel your eyes away from the rack of Chesty McBoobs for a minute, you might recognize the Cheese Dick wrapped around her as Florida’s Tim Tebow. SECP can’t stand Tim Tebow. Not because of fist-pumping, chest-thumping antics after a 2-yard run up the gut. And not because of his ‘Aw Shucks’ sideline grin, which CBS required viewers to witness between every Gator snap last season. And certainly not because He was anointed the Savior in Gainesville, despite the fact that Chris Leak, without ever having a descent running game, re-wrote Florida’s passing records on his way to winning a National Championship.

No, the real reason why SECP loathes Tim Tebow is this . . . Chesty McBoobs would gladly share her lovely lady lumps with little Timmy, who in turn would say some thing like, “Gee wiz M’am. You have a very bountiful bosom. I’m sure you’ll make a great Mother.” What a Fucking waste.


Anonymous said...

yeah...except that's Tim's sister.

Anonymous said...

NOT Tim's siter!

Anonymous said...

Hot pooners are attracted to GAY men!

Their non-threatening nature and soft feminine side
makes it a win win for the pooner.

Anonymous said...

Tebow sniffs Chris Leak's pecker!!!! If McBoobs is shacking up with Cheese Dick it is a freaking waste of a perfectly good white woman!