Monday, September 10, 2007

High Beams

Will the driver of the White Auburn Poon please return to the stadium parking lot. You left your brights on.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to shake her daddy's hand

Anonymous said...

I think we have a winner in Poonsville.

Anonymous said...

Oh my........Oh my.....I dont have words....

Anonymous said...

Don't worry things won't be as bright when Alabama meets LSU.

Sabin is gonna pop!!!

Fortunately life goes on without him.

Anonymous said...

Split the uprights!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I call Shenanigan's! I've seen this pic before and the AU logo was a Marlboro logo. Not a true SEC pooner plus fuck Auburn.

Anonymous said...

I sent this pic to SECP-i found it on-line and the claim was that was an Auburn girl. I apologize if she is not a student at that fine institution, but i do think she is worth seeing whereever she went to pursue her education.

Anonymous said...

I agree, it was nice to see her again.

Olentangy said...

She is perhaps the hottest hottie in the history of hotness. Seriously, she is unbelievably beautiful.

Anonymous said...

i have decided that she is actually an Auburn Girl who got paid to model for Marlboro and had a change of heart about supporting the tobacco industry so she Photoshopped the auburn logo over the Marlboro logo, to show her support for her team. Not to say that i have been thinking about her much.