SECP sincerely apologizes to Coach Saban.
In case you were wondering, the answer is Yes – these two identical UGa Pooners are in fact attached at the head. That being said, we dare you to find a hotter set of Siamese Poons anywhere in the country. Thanks to Poon Hunter extraordinaire Packman & the fine folks at Southern Fried Football for the Pooner Pic! Packman & co. set out on their 2007 tour this week. If he's anywhere near your campus just follow the Poon Trail to find him - Packman is a Poon Magnet!
Also, now would be an poontastic time to check out CBS Sportsline Columnist Clay Travis' new book, Dixieland Delight. SECP hasn't read it yet but Clay says it has a strong focus on the quality of poon we have come to know and love as part of SEC football. Poony props for him mentioning SECP on his world book pimping tour interviews!
# 2) Sept 15 - Louisville at Kentucky otherwise known as The Bluegrass Poontacular - it will be everywhere, and it's F'ing crazy! The equine theme will be out in full force as Lexington boasts plenty of Pony Pooner hooker boots, multi-colored racing silks featuring Wildcat and Cardinal colors finished off with some designer Gucci and Prada blinders. Please remember to do us all a favor...if you see a dude drinking a mint julep, kick him in the nuts and send his pansy ass back to South Bend.
Very Important Note: If you haven't seen the uncensored pics of this little Louisville Pooner pictured above, you're in for a real treat! All you have to do is send a great pic of an SEC Pooner secpoon@gmail.com. We will gladly respond with this highly coveted non-conference Pooner's delight fully uncensored! Trust us - you will not be disappointed but you have to send a good pic to get the goods...
# 3) Sept 1 - OK State at UGa. What sort of Poon talent will the Cowboys bring to the SEC? Absolutely none which is a crying shame because I was really looking forward to using the term "Okie Pokie Pooner (OPP)". This game is nothing more than a lame excuse to be in Athens, the most busty campus in America, over a sweltering Labor Day weekend. There's sure to be more cleavage on display than the years worth of Victoria's Secret catalogs stacked in SECP's corporate bathroom.